The Cultural Heritage and Social Change Summit will take place November 5-6, 2016 and is being hosted by the Southern University at New Orleans, in collaboration with the Museum Computer Network conference.
Hosting Sponsor:
with major thanks to all of our sponsors and partners!
The CHSC Summit is gathering veteran and emerging leaders in the broad fields of cultural heritage. The unconference format gives delegates the space to explore and create strategy, policy and collaboration in a dynamic and inspiring setting.
In addition to existing sponsors, we're actively seeking sponsors and partners to help support equity and social change in and through cultural heritage. Sponsors and partners promote the CHSC Summit and support costs to gather delegates.
The aim of the Summit is to promote movement building across the cultural heritage sector, broadly defined. In addition to a stronger national network, there will be a public blog with dissemination of proceedings.
Big thanks to Brandan "B-mike" Odums for sharing images of his New Orleans art work for the Summit site (on home, about & outputs pages). Teen Historians photo on outputs page courtesy of Santa Ana Public Library. Logistics banner photo courtesy of National Library of Colombia. All other photos courtesy of Historypin.
Help spread the word and follow @chscsummit on Twitter!