Ann-Meredith Wootton

Standing in the footsteps of a long line of hard-headed rascal women who grounded me in traditions of resistance and community building through storycircles, arts-based trauma healing, & transformative justice. Co-founder of the Radical Arts & Healing Collective, an intersectional movement collective/space using arts & healing praxis for social justice & collective liberation ( Within the world of radical academia, I have built together with other organizers to try to collectively honor the power of our community's histories of resistance, solidarity, & self determination (grounded in a Masters in Conflict Transformation & Youth Program Leadership, a MSW from the University of Chicago focusing on Community Schools, and am currently completing a PhD in Urban Education Policy Studies, studying the history of freedom schools and liberation schools around the world). Community is survival, and together we must interrupt & transform deep down root causes of injustice within our communities - & we can use arts-based community spaces to join together to dream and collectively build the liberatory abolitionist world we wish to see.


Radical Arts & Healing Collective


Grassroots Community Organizing


United States


