Mimi Roberts

I've had a long and bumpy career dedicated to expanding access to cultural resources and cultural institutions through any means necessary--exhibitions, paid internships for low-income and minority students, outreach to rural and tribal communities. Somewhere in the early 2000s while directing the Museum of New Mexico traveling exhibitions program I got interested in the potential of technology for promoting diversity and equity in our field and teamed up with Miriam Langer and the Media Arts Program at New Mexico Highlands University to develop a cultural technology partnership between our two institutions and see how far we could push it. That's pretty much been it since 2005.

Relevant Projects

Our social change projects: organizational partnerships, paid internships, the AmeriCorps Cultural Technology Program, museum and library makerspace programs, and now, thanks to Historypin, digital cultural heritage projects including "Memories of Migration", "Our Story", an IMLS planning grant to explore the relevance of Historypin for tribal libraries, and more.


New Mexico Dept. of Cultural Affairs


Government (incl National and State libraries and archives)


United States



