Updating your bio info

This is just a quick post to give you some details about updating your biographical info and avatar on the site. We’ll be putting this info into booklets for delegates, so in order to make that deadline, your bio will need to be updated by 8pm Wednesday Nov 2, New Orleans time.

If you did not receive or have lost your login and password info, you can first try to reset it here. If that fails, please email us at chscs2016@gmail.com.

Because of how we imported your bio info, we are not using the more obvious field for bio below, which is why this is blank. You’ll only have a photo appear here if you have connected your email address to Gravatar. If you don’t know what that means, it’s ok, there’s another way to add a profile photo below.


Instead, we’re using a custom field below, which is not so pretty, but if you write it in any text editing program, you can just paste it in here.


Also, you can upload another bio picture to use toward the bottom of your profile page, as you see below. When you’re done, don’t forget to click the button that says “update profile.”


Opening the Space


We’re excited to launch the new site and officially open the space to come together Nov 5-6. I’ve had a lot of questions about what people can prepare, and the short answer is: not much. This is not a typical conference in that there are no formal presentations, no panels, etc. This is about sharing our ideas and working together to address issues at the intersection of cultural heritage and social change. The only exception is 1 hr in which everyone is welcome to give a 2 minute lightning talk about your work. We’ll either do this at lunch or end of the first day… still tbd. You can read more about the methodology in the about section.

On this site, you can meet the delegates, begin posting session ideas, figure out roommates or rideshares, and begin sharing resources for fellow delegates.

As you can see, we have an amazing group assembling for two days. This has been a major grassroots effort and I want to thank the organizing committee and all of the sponsor and partner organizations that have come together to make this happen, and help us provide over $20k in travel grants! While there are no more travel grants available, we do have a few delegate seats open, so we’ll be keeping registration open until we’ve filled those.